Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How to Fall in Love with Exercise & A Healthy Lifestyle

We all know that to have a great body, we need to consistently put in the work, both at the gym and outside. For some, this comes naturally; they love working out, eating healthy and have a lifestyle that supports their physique goals. Others struggle to find the time, do not enjoy it when they do get to the gym and dislike healthy eating; even in spite of wanting to transform their physique and have a great body. 

So what’s the difference? 


It is all in the mindset and how you approach your body. Two people, in seemingly similar circumstances can achieve completely different outcomes with only a difference in their mindset. If you’re reading this, you are probably successful in many areas of your life; your career, family, etc. – but you wonder, why have you not seen the same success in your physique; even when it is something you desperately want to improve. When we are inspired by something we are focused and disciplined, meanwhile when we lack inspiration we hesitate and procrastinate. This begs the question, how do we become inspired by our physique and fitness goals? 


We all live our lives based on our highest values. The things that are most important to us. Everyone has a different value system and no value is better or worse than any other; it is just one of the unique aspects of being an individual. The people who are highly successful in their fitness and physique will hold it as a high value in their lives. Whatever you put most time, effort, energy and passion in to, will be your highest values. That may be any number of things, including; work, family, socialising, wealth or health. For the people who already hold health and fitness as a high value, it is easy for them. Don’t get me wrong, they still have to work hard for a great physique, but the difference is, they enjoy the hard work. They get in to a state of flow and there isn’t anything else that they would rather do. Please note, you can care about your health and fitness, you can desire to get in better shape and change your body, without it currently being a high value. Many people want to achieve the outcomes of a transformation, but because they do not currently hold it as a high value they hesitate and procrastinate. If that is you, if you know that you do not currently hold fitness as a high value, but you want to transform your body, luckily, you can make some changes and become inspired by your own fitness journey.

Changing Values 

One of the easiest ways to move something higher in your values and become inspired to achieve the results that you desire, is to link it with the things that are already important to you. For example let’s say you highly value your work. You are successful, at the top of your company or perhaps an entrepreneur and you love your work – you feel that it gives you purpose. It tends to take priority over everything else and you spend most of your time there; or at least thinking about it. Here is one exercise I use with my clients to move fitness up in their values and achieve stunning transformations: 

Write 100-200 ways that transforming your body will help you achieve more at work. 

Here are a few examples:

• By working out and eating healthy I will have more energy to put in to my work

• By going to the gym and living healthier I will raise my testosterone, increasing drive and focus that will help me achieve more in my work

• Exercising will improve my posture, and get rid of the aches and pains I suffer after a long day in the office

• Exercising will make me stronger and more confident in my posture and movements, giving off a better first impression when meeting potential clients

You can do this exercise for whatever your top 3-4 highest values are and find that your inspiration for transforming your body shoots through the roof; leading to your falling in love with exercise and a healthy lifestyle. 

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